Meet TSB
‘The Smooth Brothers is born out of a dream about how the world could and should be. We are on fire to create something of relevance, resonance and performance. A business that delivers real value of multiple kind to everyone it touches. We love Jazz and we look at the world from that perspective.’
What good music does to our mind and soul, good food does to our body. At The Smooth Brothers we continuously are working on combining these two; add to that a pleasant environment and the outcome should be a moment of pure joy. Our purpose is therefore to provide anyone who is seeking a short escape from the daily hectic reality, that moment of pure joy.
“Master your instrument. Master the music. And then forget all that bullshit and just play.”

Whatever we do at The Smooth Brothers we base it on that Jazz-principle. The team takes center stage in everything we do. They are the band of performers that have to impress our audience on a daily basis. That is only possible if the entire band plays the same song with the same purpose, passion and self-discipline. Therefore we only admit new members to our band who happen to be enthusiastic to their very core.
The team is the soul within The Smooth Brothers. Even though we all have the same goal in striving to achieve excellence in quality and experience, it is our individual differences in the approach towards that common goal that gives soul to The Smooth Brothers and to everything we do.
Band Members

Like in Jazz, co-creation is a fundamental value in everything we do at The Smooth Brothers. We believe that The Smooth Brothers is not run by egos, but by great ideas. These ideas can originate from anywhere; our guests, our team and/or any other partner. Therefore we have created several events with the purpose of bringing our community together so great things can happen.

Food Of The Icons is one of those events that’s all about co-creating with our guests. Two of the (unique) sandwiches on our menu were created by our guests. We asked our followers to send in their recipes for a sandwich. As a result, we selected four contestants to prepare and present their creations live at The Smooth Brothers. These creations were then judged by a four headed jury. The highest scoring sandwich is then crowned Food of the Icons champion and gets a spot on our menu.

Check out our current Line-Up here.